Nutrition International has worked to improve health and nutrition in Indonesia since 2006, working in partnership with the Government of Indonesia in its efforts to address malnutrition. This partnership as included the provision of both technical and financial assistance to the government in implementing and scaling up nutrition interventions through the health system.
This consultancy falls under Nutrition International’s Storytelling Initiative. This initiative is highlighting compelling stories from the field to showcase the important work we do in the areas of supplementation, universal salt iodization, food fortification, newborn care, infant and young child nutrition services, adolescent nutrition, maternal health and nutrition, the Scaling Up Nutrition(SUN) Movement and technical assistance. The stories captured in the field can range from independent protagonist-based stories to community-based interventions to national and subnational legislative bodies looking to advance the nutrition priorities in the country.
We are seeking a skilled documentarian individual or team who will collect photos and videos(both b-roll and on- camera interviews) to visually tell a pre-identified story. Prior to production, Nutrition International will provide a shot list and an interview guide, and outline the narrative focus for photography and video assets. It is the expectation that the Consultant will utilize these materials to capture content (video and photos) in line with the organization’s wishes and aims. It is important that the Consultant is familiar with capturing content that visually showcases a narrative arch that “tells a story” and has experience capturing content related to international development.
Kindly find the detailed requirements for the consultancy at the following link:
Deadline for proposal submission: Wednesday,
The proposal shall be put into a covering email specifically indicating with subject line:
“Content Collection (Video & Photography) to Document NI’s Programs in Indonesia” and should be sent by email to:
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