Call for Consultant : Baseline of Urban Nexus Phase 2 Project

1. About Plan International

We strive to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As an independent development and humanitarian organisation, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries.

Plan International has been operating in Indonesia since 1969, according to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Indonesia. In 2017, Plan International Indonesia transformed into Yayasan Plan International Indonesia; registered by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This transformation aims to reach more children, especially girls in Indonesia.

2. Project Background                                                                                      

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) with the support of ANCP-DFAT and Plan International Australia implements Urban Nexus Project since 2019 in Jakarta. The goal of the project is to create a safe and resilient city through youth empowerment and leadership, both for the young women and young men. In the third year of the project implementation, Plan Indonesia integrated humanitarian actions and development, especially to build youth and community capacities in strengthening resilience in preparedness, protection, climate change adaptation and GBV (Gender-based Violence) as well as being ready to respond in a humanitarian context.

Following the successful of the project in Jakarta Province, Plan Indonesia will continue to phase 2 project’ in 2 villages in Depok Municipalities, West Java Province. The villages were chosen as the project implementing areas due to its characteristics in urban area, buffering zone towards Jakarta metropolitan, and various social and environmental problems. In the Phase 2, young people in the age of 15-24 years old are the primary target group in the project implementation. Moreover, youth both young women and young men act as an active driver in all project activities.

The project has set two key objectives, namely:

S.O. #1. Adolescents and young people aged 15 to 24 years old, particularly girls and young women and youth with disability, enhance their risk knowledge including in health and safety practices, lead the community to overcome shocks and stresses from flood risk and waste issues, and live and thrive in a healthy and safe natural environment.

S.O. #2. Government authorities and communities recognize the role of adolescents and young people and support their participation in the processes of consultations, planning, and reviewing of programs related to preparedness and response to floods and waste management at village and municipality levels.

In achieving key objectives, the project aims for 3 intended outcomes, namely:

Oc #1. Adolescents and Young (AY) in urban areas increased their resilience capacities for dealing with crisis and shocks.

Oc #2. Adolescents and young people are able to act and lead to strengthening resilience by establishing the waste management system, developing preparedness towards flood hazards, and establishing early warning systems.

Oc #3. Government policymakers institutionalize young people’s participation in processes of consultations, planning, budgeting, and/or decision-making processes especially for protecting AY from shocks and stresses.

During the 12-months (the first year) implementation, the project set the immediate results as follows:

  1. The development of the Resilience Learning Management System (Re-Learn) as a digital platform.
  2. The percentage of adolescents and young people that have participated in project activities has increased their capacities for resilience through capacity building and peer educator activities.
  3. Percentage of adolescents and young people follow up their capacity strengthening with the development of actions/ initiatives for their communities, ranging from community engagement, risk communications and campaign, and influencing advocacy.
  4. The establishment of a youth-led waste bank program at the urban-villages level.
  5. The development of SOP for inclusive flood risk reduction and response at the local level.
  6. The instalment of early warning system at the local level
  7. The contribution of inputs from the youth initiatives to the development of the Green Development Agenda at the city level.
  8. the development of social security data management at the city level.
for more details please find the link below 

The application can be sent electronically through the email: yayasan.procurement@plan-international.org mentioning the code UrbanNexus_ConsultantBaseline_Name in the email subject. Required documents shall be submitted no later than Friday, August 19th, 2022 at 17.00 WIB

Women-owned businesses are encouraged to join the bid

All submissions will be treated in confidence.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified and invited for interviews.


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